In this era of accused #FakeNews and political bullying of the media, many people have become cynical to what is reported in mainstream news.

Letter from the Editor: Balancing Humanity with Our Fast-Paced Technological Life
With the onslaught of all of this new technology, how do we make sure we balance humanity with our increasing reliance on machines?

Why Physicians Should Be Involved in the Debate over Assisted Suicide
The topics of euthanasia, suicide, and physician assisted suicide are poorly understood.

Letter from the Editor: Leading from Any Chair
A message from ENTtoday’s physician editor, Alex Chiu, MD.

Letter from the Editor: ENTtoday 2.0
A message from ENTtoday’s new physician editor, Alex Chiu, MD.

Being an Oncologist is a Privilege with Sober Responsibilities
Oncologists are tethered to the insatiable emotional demands of a needy patient population
How Doctors Should React to Cage Fighting
A a medical profession, we should consider striking a middle ground between those calling for a complete ban on the sport and those advocating freedom of choice.