Offering medical students a means to learn more about residency programs via Instagram demonstrates one generation reaching out to the future members of the field.

Offering medical students a means to learn more about residency programs via Instagram demonstrates one generation reaching out to the future members of the field.
Patients were screened three times: over the phone a day prior to their visit, upon entry to the cancer center, and upon triage in the clinic.
A focused study of the business of medicine for physicians should include at least three practical domains: leadership, healthcare delivery, and practice management.
Otolaryngology applicants making their career decisions during the pandemic appreciated the ability of an otolaryngologist to perform diverse procedures and have the opportunity to work in both inpatient and outpatient settings.
We can’t expect the children in our household to follow in our professional footsteps when the mealtime career capital we transfer is negative.
Otolaryngologists are among the healthcare providers most available to provide medical and surgical services for transgender patients interested in making their bodies more closely match their internal sense of gender identity.
A private practice otolaryngologist writes about what our “new normal” may look like after the coronavirus pandemic.
Otolaryngologists share what they learned about from their experience collecting clinical data surrounding cochlear implant care.
American Otolaryngologists Need to Share Our Wealth
Any discussion about the future of otolaryngology must include making sure our patients are informed adequately and accurately.