Researchers are turning to gene editing to correct certain types of hearing loss, but many practical details regarding gene editing still need to be determined.

One use is real-time telemedicine, which is live, interactive, and can mimic a real-life encounter between a physician and a patient
Investigators say FAT transfer in reconstruction is technically simple, improves facial symmetry, and achieves excellent postoperative cosmetic results
The American Thyroid Association released the third iteration of its thyroid nodule and thyroid cancer guidelines
New rhinosinusitis consensus statement sorts through a mountain of research to offer evidence-based pathology and therapy guidelines
Otolaryngologists will soon have an easy way to track the quality of care they provide their patients
Residents in their first postgraduate year will now spend six months in otolaryngology specific rotations
Analyzing medical mistakes can help physicians determine problem, avoid similar mishaps in the future
Being forthright about missteps, adverse events can help physicians create a safer healthcare system without increasing their risk of litigation