Loan forgiveness, repayment, consolidation options to help young physicians take ownership of student debt

Loan forgiveness, repayment, consolidation options to help young physicians take ownership of student debt
Academic otolaryngologists share tips on recognizing struggling students, providing useful feedback
Access to MOC levels Part II and IV available free to otolaryngology residents PGY levels two through five
Teachers favor fewer lectures, more learner-centered approach led by students
Tips for medical residents transitioning from training to job market
Proper planning can ensure that your solo practice will be just as successful as the most popular group practices
Steps to help physicians set personal and professional goals, define their scope of practice, determine which services to offer, and avoid common mistakes when launching a private practice
Graduate medical education is underfunded, and the implications of this will affect the future of the otolaryngology workforce
How to develop, write, and submit a clinical vignette for presentation at a scientific meeting
Physicians discuss ways to make care transitions smooth and smart as handoffs become more frequent