Otolaryngologists practicing in academic medical centers often score lower on patient surveys than those practicing in a community setting

Otolaryngologists practicing in academic medical centers often score lower on patient surveys than those practicing in a community setting
A doctor with throat cancer, and a musician with cochlear implant, relay the importance of treating patients with compassion
The CHEER network—Creating Healthcare Excellence through Education and Research—helps busy otolaryngology clinicians conduct practice-based research
Incorporating health literacy practices into patient care.
The art of purchasing a piece of medical equipment requires the perfect combination of medical, financial, business and legal expertise.
The question of how much time off to provide, as well as how to ensure staff does not abuse the policy, can leave practice managers confused. Here, we help you navigate the waters of paid time off.
When there are more physicians and administrative staff coming and going in your medical practice than patients, there’s likely a problem with the hiring process.
Physicians are increasingly incorporating lightweight computers, mobile phones and tablets into the delivery of health care, which comes with the potential for distraction.
While finding the time to meet the demands of an isolated community can be daunting, the benefits are often well worth it.