According to Dartmouth Atlas (DA) researchers, too much of a good thing may be a bad thing-including doctor visits, medical tests, procedures and days spent in the hospital.

Heading into the real world of practice after completing residency is a daunting task, fraught with perils. Will you get into a practice you like? Will there be sufficient support staff?
Getting reimbursed properly for performing procedures is all in the details, especially in areas that can be confusing to code.
Disease-specific outcomes measures in otolaryngology-head and neck surgery can be completed by your patients before and after treatment, enabling tracking of these important outcomes with a minimum of disruption to the normal practice routine
If primary care physicians are to be believed, home is where the patient is-the Patient-Centered Medical Home (PC-MH), that is.
Physicians can successfully perform ultrasound-guided (US) fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) of thyroid nodules in the office instead of referring patients to a hospital-based radiologist for the procedure, according to new data presented at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery.
By March 1, 2008, otolaryngologists offering point-of-care CT scanning-and who are UnitedHealthcare providers-must initiate accreditation of their diagnostic facilities.
The growing numbers of politicians and special interest and consumer groups pushing health insurance for all often neglect-and sometimes penalize-the people they need most for such plans to succeed: America’s physicians.