Newer surgical procedures not necessarily better; primary frontal sinus endoscopic surgery relieves frontal sinus symptoms in most; success following surgery to correct obstructive sleep apnea dependent upon scoring measures; intranasal splint use after surgery increases patient pain, provides few offsetting benefits; new reprocessing guidelines for ent endoscopes stress high-level disinfection techniques; multicenter study shows feasibility and safety of transoral robotic surgery.

The Challenges of Rural ENT Practice
While finding the time to meet the demands of an isolated community can be daunting, the benefits are often well worth it.

Mobile Computing Can Revolutionize Health Care
Mobile devices have the power to change health care as we know it.

Innovation in Cochlear Impant Surgery
Procedures that now represent the cutting edge of cochlear implant (CI) surgery.

COSM 2012: TRIO Poster Winners Discuss their Projects
Otolaryngologists, medical students and researchers submited some of their research to be displayed as posters at the Triological Society’s Annual Meeting at the Combined Otolaryngology Spring Meetings. We talked to some of the 2012 winners about their projects and the experience.

Pediatric Obesity and Sleep Apnea
Literature Review: A Roundup of Important Recent Studies
Routine ICU admission for all post-surgical OSA patients unnecessary; parent education for adenotonsillectomy risks; resident Facebook postings impact professionalism; no difference in life expectancy with HNSCC imaging modality; nasal steroids effective in chronic rhinosinusitis with polyposis; costs of laryngeal diseases.

Hiring a Public Relations Firm for Your Medical Practice
With more and more patients doing their own searching for the “right” doctors, those otolaryngologists who stand out the most—a goal usually accomplished with help from a reputable public relations firm—are more likely to get the lion’s share of business.
How Doctors Should React to Cage Fighting
A a medical profession, we should consider striking a middle ground between those calling for a complete ban on the sport and those advocating freedom of choice.

Otolaryngologists Join Campaign Against Unnecessary Medical Testing
AAO-HNS to release list of 5 tests it considers unnecessary or overused
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