Creating standard guidelines could decrease communication breakdowns, medical errors caused by multiple handovers

Creating standard guidelines could decrease communication breakdowns, medical errors caused by multiple handovers
Health websites, social media, and email have changed patient access to information and physicians
Physicians discuss ways to make care transitions smooth and smart as handoffs become more frequent
Advances in microvascular free tissue transfer have driven up success rates
Otolaryngologists must prepare to accommodate a variety of facial structures, learn cultural sensitivity in talking to minority patients
Possibility of repealing and replacing Sustainable Growth Rate Medicare reimbursement formula seems more likely than ever, say congressional lawmakers
Failure to have an updated Notice of Privacy Practices by September 23, 2013 could result in fines and penalties
Physician tips for maintaining a professional relationship with flirtatious patients
A 53-year-old man with a one-month history of bilateral tinnitus. An MRI detected a sphenoid tumor incidentally, and a contrast-enhanced computed tomography scan revealed a partially enhanced tumor in the left sphenoidal sinus that destroyed part of the skull base.