The committee is one of eight American Board of Otolaryngology committees

The committee is one of eight American Board of Otolaryngology committees
How to develop, write, and submit a clinical vignette for presentation at a scientific meeting
New research links inflammation and neuralgia as suspected causes, but making a definitive diagnosis remains difficult
Sharing a similar work ethic, approach to patient care, and compatible professional values matter most when choosing a physician partner
Counseling from otolaryngologists and mental health professionals, coupled with technology, can help patients with unilateral hearing loss take an active role in their recovery
Should a physician try to convince a patient to consider potentially definitive therapy?
Analysts predict the influx of insured patients that are expected to flood the healthcare system will likely shrink physician reimbursements, cause some otolaryngologists to flock to larger healthcare systems or limit access to patients with private insurance plans, and exacerbate the shortage of specialists
Ongoing payment reform, healthcare consolidation forces otolaryngology practices to reconsider ways doctors are paid
Routine checkups of what is or isn’t working at a current job can help otolaryngologists meld their values, strengths, passions with career path