Submucosal resection combined with lateral displacement is most effective at decreasing nasal obstruction caused by inferior turbinate hypertrophy

Submucosal resection combined with lateral displacement is most effective at decreasing nasal obstruction caused by inferior turbinate hypertrophy
A reader highlights how hybrid compensation approach can incorporate clinical guidelines, decrease cost without compromising quality of care
Access to MOC levels Part II and IV available free to otolaryngology residents PGY levels two through five
Adoption of health information technology raises ethical concerns over its impact on clinical interaction
Teachers favor fewer lectures, more learner-centered approach led by students
Guidelines to determine which patients are candidates for ESS when medical therapy fails
Best practices recommend placing TT over medication in cases of recurrent AOM
Best practices support active role for speech language pathologists for head and neck cancer patients at point of diagnosis
Clinical report highlights how disease progression can mimic head, neck cancer