Technology combining MRI, computed tomography scans in the operating room give physicians better look at patient anatomy, procedure results

Technology combining MRI, computed tomography scans in the operating room give physicians better look at patient anatomy, procedure results
Tips on recruting patients, investigators, coordinators for a research endeavor
Review laws governing collaboration of healthcare systems, hospitals, physician practices before consolidating
The 2009 American Thyroid Association guidelines suggest that prophylactic central neck dissection can be used in patients with clinically staged 3/4 PTC disease, but surgeon’s comfort level with procedure, related risks, should be considered
Silicone gel, cyanoacrylates, paper taping have shown promise in reducing post-incision dermal scarring
Greater number of sleep medicine programs available give otolaryngologists more choice, opportunity to earn certification in specialized skill set
Otolaryngologists certified in sleep medicine, sleep surgery in position to offer both CPAP, surgical treatment to patients
Residents from institutions around the U.S. compete at the Triological Society’s 2015 Combined Sections Meeting.
Considerations, responsibilities physicians face when informing patients, families of surgical complications, mishaps