Physician-centered networking websites offer collaboration, education, and industry news

Physician-centered networking websites offer collaboration, education, and industry news
The concept of beneficence has become an integral part of medical dialogue and thinking
Will there be a modified version of Obamacare or Trumpcare?
Medical educators push for less memorization and more focus on how to search for information
Obtaining informed consent is a process that needs to be honed to ensure patients are truly knowledgeable about a procedure
After the 2016 election of Donald Trump, who campaigned with a promise to “repeal and replace” the Affordable Care Act what will actually happen? While I don’t pretend to have a crystal ball, we can make some educated guesses about the upcoming year.
Medical educators push for less focus on memorization and more on how to search for information
How to prepare an effective talk and engage your audience
Reference pricing encourages consumers to choose lower-cost options for care
Most otolaryngologists likely have heard about reference pricing, the relatively nascent concept that a payer—be it a person, a plan, or a pension fund—contributes a set amount toward specific procedures. […]