Research training can vary from institution to institution, with some programs geared toward training otolaryngologists in private practice and others geared toward those who want to become academics or researchers.

Research training can vary from institution to institution, with some programs geared toward training otolaryngologists in private practice and others geared toward those who want to become academics or researchers.
Forgoing an additional academic degree, like business administration (MBA) and public health (MPH), may come at a cost in today’s increasingly complex and competitive healthcare environment.
The ENTtoday editorial board shares some must-read authors for every subspecialty.
Are altruism, empathy, and compassionnstill valued virtues in “modern” medicine, or have patients come to expect something else in the provision of their healthcare by physicians.
Awareness, accountability, and actions to reclaim more life
Because our casts can be so different, generic one-size-fits-all wellness advice can fall short, but here are some things that can help you regain your sense of self.
Here are some of the common physician employment agreement provisions you should analyze before signing.
Life and medicine are continuously changing at a seemingly accelerating pace. When we attempt to avoid change and cling to the ‘way things were,’ we stop moving forward and growing.
We consider the four major elements of clinical judgment: knowledge, critical thinking and interpretation, decision-making and patient self-determination.
Any discussion about the future of otolaryngology must include making sure our patients are informed adequately and accurately.