Although these emergency measures were implemented with good intentions, providers must be prepared for audits in several overlapping areas due to their corresponding risks for fraud and abuse.

Although these emergency measures were implemented with good intentions, providers must be prepared for audits in several overlapping areas due to their corresponding risks for fraud and abuse.
We can’t expect the children in our household to follow in our professional footsteps when the mealtime career capital we transfer is negative.
After an initial scramble at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, telemedicine has turned into a patient pleaser.
The reimbursement changes are significant and will not only affect otolaryngology but will have ripple effects on the business of medicine.
For many physicians, discussing political beliefs or controversial advocacy work with patients seems inappropriate or even unethical, though many patients may have no problem with it.
There are many other options for research funding, including private foundations, professional organizations, and federal agencies and departments.
Otolaryngologists are among the healthcare providers most available to provide medical and surgical services for transgender patients interested in making their bodies more closely match their internal sense of gender identity.
The results of this study suggest that endoscopic revision stapes surgery is feasible and may provide a platform for a larger study to validate the efficacy of this approach with long-term outcomes.
A look at principles, integrity, and professionalism in the 2020-2021 otolaryngology match.
The training pathway for pediatric otolaryngologists will require completion of an ACGME-accredited fellowship and satisfaction of the eligibility criteria.