Supracricoid Partial Laryngectomy Should Be One Treatment of Choice for Intermediate to Advanced Laryngeal Cancer
Short-and Long-Term Data Suggest Efficacy of Turbinate Ablation
Hypertrophy of the inferior turbinates is a frequent cause of chronic nasal obstruction. In the last several years, two new techniques have become available for reducing the tumor volume: radiofrequency volumetric tissue reduction (RFVTR) and coblation.
A Conversation with… Dr. Byron Bailey, Humanitarian & Teacher
Getting out of the Insurance Game
Transitioning to a cash-only practice can increase your income-and your career satisfaction
Louisiana Otolaryngologists Use Ingenuity and Community Spirit to Get Back to Business after Katrina
In late August of 2005, many of us watched from the relative safety of our homes and offices as Hurricane Katrina wrought havoc and devastation all along the Gulf coast.
Otolaryngology Training Short on End-of-Life Care Advice
One presenter offers guidance on what otolaryngologists can do to offer comfort to their dying head and neck cancer patients
Pediatric Infections Cluster by Age
Certain serious childhood head and neck infections tend to occur in particular sites by age, according to research presented here at the meeting of the Southern Section of the Triological Society.
For Chronic Sinusitis, Give Antibiotics a Longer Chance to Work Before Surgery
Doctors should consider extending the course of antibiotics in patients with chronic sinusitis before giving up on conservative medical therapy and going forward to surgery, according to research presented here at the meeting of the Southern Section of the Triological Society.
New Resident Assessment Standards Slow to Catch On
New mandated requirements for residents at hospitals require the young specialists to do a lot more than just attend classes; they have to be able to demonstrate that they have achieved some proficiency in specific areas of medicine.