Incorporating health literacy practices into patient care.

Incorporating health literacy practices into patient care.
The Society for Middle Ear Disease aims to promote public and professional awareness of the importance of otitis media as a major health problem.
A new study again raises the issue of cancer risk with CT scan usage.
Evidence regarding the addition of antiherpetic medications to high-dose steroid therapy in the treatment of idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss.
The Association of American Medical Colleges is preparing a new slate of recommendations for improving the way med schools screen students in an effort to get at what kind of people the applicants are—and whether they have the qualities that will make them good, caring doctors.
Starting in 2015, the exam will include stronger emphasis on behavioral sciences and reasoning skills.
There is no one right answer to the question of which imaging test is best for patients with hearing loss who are candidates for cochlear implantation. Age, underlying pathology and the ability to tolerate radiation and sedation are just a few of the variables that can determine whether magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT) or both are chosen in this clinical setting.
Lasers may have first been introduced into medicine 60 years ago, but removing disease while keeping healthy tissue intact can still be a complicated proposition, said Mark Courey, MD, director of the University of California San Francisco Voice Center, who gave a State of the Art Lecture here on April 20 at the 115th Annual Meeting of the Triological Society. The meeting was held as part of the Combined Otolaryngology Spring Meetings.
Otolaryngologists with a desire to broaden their careers beyond traditional medical practice have several options. Programs exist that can open doors into medical leadership, health policy work, clinical and outcomes research and public office. Opportunities are available at all stages of a physician’s career. Here’s a look at a handful of programs that aim to provide physicians with the tools they need to take their careers in a new direction.