Medical educators push for less memorization and more focus on how to search for information

Medical educators push for less memorization and more focus on how to search for information
Medical educators push for less focus on memorization and more on how to search for information
Lack of information and patient resistance can contribute to physicians not following guidelines
Experts point to a wide variety of reasons why guidelines are sometimes not followed.
It is rare that students and residents are exposed to a dedicated geriatric educational experience
Residents in their first postgraduate year will now spend six months in otolaryngology specific rotations
Institute of Medicine recommends same level of financial support for 10 years; physicians concerned amount won’t sustain residency training
Changes in class structure, rise of self-learning, earlier hands-on clinical training, and resident work hour limits typical of new generation of medical students
Academic otolaryngologists share tips on recognizing struggling students, providing useful feedback
Teachers favor fewer lectures, more learner-centered approach led by students