There are pros and cons to at-home and in-home calls, but the biggest concern is educating the resident and caring for patients.

There are pros and cons to at-home and in-home calls, but the biggest concern is educating the resident and caring for patients.
Research training can vary from institution to institution, with some programs geared toward training otolaryngologists in private practice and others geared toward those who want to become academics or researchers.
Medical students described a negative academic climate to which they said USMLE Step 1 was contributing, a climate increasingly addled with competition over matching into subspecialties.
ENTtoday’s list of science-based resources for otolaryngologists includes websites, medical indexes, podcasts, and videos that are all available for education and awareness about the world of otolaryngology.
Burnout at the early stages of a medical career can cause one to feel hopeless about medicine and/or oneself, and less empathetic toward patients.
Studies have consistently shown that active learning methods are the best way for students to understand, absorb, retain, and utilize information.
How to thrive during the first year of residency
While you may have to be the best and brightest in medical school to nab an otolaryngology residency, intelligence alone won’t get a physician through the grueling, sleep-deprived years of […]
Encouraging communication at all levels is a cornerstone of medical education—and patient safety