Obviously, there are times when a trip to the operating room is the only option, but more and more physicians are finding that more and more screening, diagnostic, and minimally invasive procedures are best performed in the office setting.

How much do your treatments and procedures vary from the established standard of care? Does it matter?
Two studies look at trends in the cost and length of time spent developing new pharmaceuticals
As medical malpractice lawsuits have become increasingly standard fare in the United States judicial system, providing expert witness testimony has become something of a cottage industry in the medical and scientific communities.
Despite much belief to the contrary, tobacco control has been a major public health success over the last four decades.
Pediatric otolaryngology has advanced by leaps and bounds over the past couple of decades, but it’s the rise in subspecialties within the field that has lead to the most changes in practice.
Transitioning to a cash-only practice can increase your income-and your career satisfaction