Robotic-assisted surgery is poised to become a standard technique for many head and neck surgical procedures, according to experts.

Cochlear implantation has become a safe procedure-and, as result of refinements in devices and surgical techniques, complications are atypical.
Chronic rhinosinusitis affects approximately 30 million Americans.
In order to remain compliant, as well as to receive fair and appropriate reimbursement, you must code and document correctly, said Michael Setzen, MD, Clinical Associate Professor of Otolaryngology at NYU School of Medicine and Senior Clinical Attending in Otolaryngology at North Shore University Hospital in New York, when he moderated the panel discussion, How the Experts Code and Document Laryngology and Esophagology in the Office and the OR, at the April 2007 Combined Otolaryngology Spring Meeting.
With improved technology, as well as increased availability and access, diagnostic imaging has become the fastest growing segment of health care spending, with estimates of 15% to 35% increases annually.
Revision endoscopic sinus surgery (RESS) has challenges that often are not seen in primary surgeries.
Last year, the New York Times asked if the hype about new technology is getting ahead of the science.