Carefully weigh costs when deciding on a cloud technology.

Carefully weigh costs when deciding on a cloud technology.
AAO-HNS to release list of 5 tests it considers unnecessary or overused
The Independent Payment Advisory Board will have the authority to cut Medicare provider spending to keep it below a cap, with unprecedented autonomy
Physician advertising can mislead patients and change the dynamic of the patient-physician relationship into one of a consumer-client relationship, said Paul A. Levine, MD, FACS, who gave the Guest of Honor presentation here on April 20 at the Triological Society annual meeting. The meeting was held as part of the Combined Otolaryngology Spring Meetings.
The reality for most businesses, including medical practices, is that the business owner or another employee is tasked with the uncomfortable role of terminator. If the termination is handled improperly, the former employee may lodge a complaint against you. In fact, wrongful termination charges filed with the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission rose last year for the seventh consecutive year.
Employing cloud computing in a medical practice can result in significant cost savings, among other advantages. There are also significant risks that each health care organization must face when transitioning to cloud-based hosting.
A 27.4 percent Medicare cut was scheduled to begin Mar. 1.
Leaving a medical practice is never an easy decision. As you plan your exit strategy, be aware of these issues and address them proactively with your employer.