The Resident Bowl team is collecting questions for the annual Resident Bowl happening at the 2025 Triological Society Combined Sections Meeting, January 23-25, in Orlando, Fla.

The Resident Bowl team is collecting questions for the annual Resident Bowl happening at the 2025 Triological Society Combined Sections Meeting, January 23-25, in Orlando, Fla.
Oral steroids in chronic rhinosinusitis; macrolide therapy for chronic rhinosinusitis; parotid gland lymphoma consideration in parotid lesion evaluation; better dialogues with patients may minimize liability in cranial nerve injury malpractice trials; obesity in children with OSA can lead to depression, withdrawal; many otolaryngologists dissatisfied with current sinus CT results
Transnasal balloon catheter dilation of eustachian tube relieves ear pressure; fat graft myringoplasty highly successful in certain tympanic membrane perforations; molecular testing may improve differentiated thyroid cancer diagnoses; polysomnography widely used in pediatrics, but not up to practice guidelines; length of intubation, number of sedation doses affect subglottic stenosis risk in children; little difference between tetracaine and lidocaine for nasal endoscopy
MRI cost justified in dysosmia; ESS superior to medical therapy for QOL in CRS; First-line steroid therapy can improve outcomes for ISSHL; TORS total laryngectomy effective for salvage surgery; Cidofovir effective for recurrent respiratory papillomatosis; High-volume academic medical centers have lower complication rates for head and neck oncologic surgery
Guidelines are becoming an essential component of clinical care. A look at their development and intended use.
Routine ICU admission for all post-surgical OSA patients unnecessary; parent education for adenotonsillectomy risks; resident Facebook postings impact professionalism; no difference in life expectancy with HNSCC imaging modality; nasal steroids effective in chronic rhinosinusitis with polyposis; costs of laryngeal diseases.
Key documentation you should have in place for each of your employees.
With more and more patients doing their own searching for the “right” doctors, those otolaryngologists who stand out the most—a goal usually accomplished with help from a reputable public relations firm—are more likely to get the lion’s share of business.