Given the importance of these issues, the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, the American Academy of Otolaryngic Allergy, and the American Rhinologic Society have organized a half-day seminar focusing on the unified airway concept as it affects the practice and direction of otolaryngology. A series of panels, case presentations, and lectures will be presented focusing on the comprehensive treatment of patients with respiratory disease. Topics have been selected to focus on surgical rhinology, medical rhinology, allergy, and asthma, highlighting the interdependency of involved treatment modalities. The session will be held on Monday, September 17, 2007, and will be available to anyone who has registered for any of the participating professional society meetings. It is our collective hope that this will set the stage for advances in the field of rhinology and allergy, and will lead to increasing improvements in patient care.
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August 2007References
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©2007 The Triological Society
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