Dr. Bliss’s practice includes nine physicians and three nurse practitioners who greet their patients in the waiting room, personally dispense 150 generic drugs, and directly supervise hospital care. Once I exited the dysfunctional health care system, I was able to see 10 to 12 patients a day, versus 25 to 30 before. We were also able to manage fixed costs, and there aren’t a lot of incremental costs, so monthly fees cover the practice costs quite well, he said.
Explore This Issue
October 2009Dr. Kenagy, a physician for 40 years and author of Designed to Adapt: Leading Health Care in Challenging Times, pointed out that the government’s effort to try and buy a solution won’t work. Our current system is way too expensive and wasteful. Lowering costs isn’t complex. Physicians can figure out how to problem-solve their own practices if left alone by the government, he said. Doctors and other health care professionals know their jobs and can create value if no one interferes in the doctor-patient relationship.
Doctors Speak Out
Dr. Bliss is a member of the Society for Innovative Medical Practices (www.simpd.org ), whose mission is helping doctors exit the insurance-driven practice morass. Although no entity tracks the number of concierge practices, the AMA estimates that only several thousand physicians are in such practices.
A number of physicians may be willing to join concierge practices if President Obama’s health care reform becomes law. Zane Pollard, MD, a pediatric ophthalmologist in practice for 35 years whose group is the only such practice accepting Medicaid in Atlanta, has a long list of reasons for fighting ObamaCare-repeated denials by Medicaid of antibiotics to treat corneal ulcers and intraocular lenses for congenital cataracts; a drop over several years in Medicare reimbursement from $2500 to $500 for cataract surgery; and at least two unreimbursed operations he performs every month on illegal aliens are a few. He said, The government said that any doctor that does Medicare work cannot accept more than the going rate, or he or she would be severely fined. It said it was illegal to accept more than the government-allowed rate. What I’m driving at is that those of you [the patients] who are well off will not be able to go to the head of the line under this new health care plan just because you have money. No physician will be willing to go against the law to treat you. He urged all physicians to contact their elected representatives to defeat the current health care reform bill. I promise you will not like rationing of your own health. Furthermore, how can you trust a physician who works under these conditions, knowing that he is controlled by the state? I certainly could not trust any doctor that would work under these draconian conditions (www.theexaminer.com/blog ).
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