Diagnosing and addressing hearing loss, particularly in midlife, can help ameliorate the increased risk of dementia associated with the hearing loss.

Diagnosing and addressing hearing loss, particularly in midlife, can help ameliorate the increased risk of dementia associated with the hearing loss.
A liquid biopsy-based test to diagnose HPV-associated cancers may offer improved accuracy at a reduced cost and with a shorter time to diagnosis.
Can a modified tissue-preserving uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP) convert retropalatal concentric collapse to anteroposterior or lateral patterns of collapse on drug-induced sleep endoscopy (DISE) in patients who are not candidates for upper […]
The goal of the regulation is to allow patients to understand the cost of a hospital item or service before receiving it.
Private practice otolaryngologists say they are under pressure with stagnant reimbursement, increasing administrative burdens, and recruiting challenges.
Use of a bent flexible suction catheter to guide a urological wire basket during rigid bronchoscopy is a feasible technique for foreign body removal in the distal pediatric airway.
A thyroglossal duct cyst is one of the most common congenital anomalies of the midline neck.
Single visit surgery for tympanostomy tube placement offers convenience and cost savings to family members, and marketing efforts promoting this option are effective.
Vocal exertion can result in chronic vocal fatigue, putting individuals at risk for voice disorders.
Concurrent modified barium swallow (MBS) study and esophagrams may improve diagnostic accuracy, but they minimize additional studies.