The shift to having more women assume otolaryngology leadership roles has been a slow build but the year 2023 may be remembered as the year of the woman in otolaryngology.

We are able to build strong connections with our colleagues now that the new year has begun.
There are still challenges in gender equity in all areas of medicine. A recent study published in December 2022 in JAMA Surgery (doi:10.1001/jamasurg.2022.6431) examined how practicing male and female surgeons […]
University of Washington researchers have created a screening system for hearing that uses a smartphone and low-cost earbuds rather than the commercial devices currently in use. The system is detailed in an article published in Nature […]
The EAT-10 is an easy-to-administer dysphagia screening tool with good discriminant ability for use in ALS clinics.
The aim of oroantral fistula management is to repair the defect, restoring the integrity of the sinus and oral cavity and preventing sinus infections.
A look at what childbearing otolaryngology residents experience during pregnancy and they can best be supported.
Chondrolaryngoplasty is a procedure designed to reduce a conspicuous laryngeal prominence and feminize the neck.