SAN DIEGO-How much will I make? That question is, understandably, front and center for many otolaryngology residents and fellows weighing their first career opportunity.

SAN DIEGO-How much will I make? That question is, understandably, front and center for many otolaryngology residents and fellows weighing their first career opportunity.
SAN DIEGO-For patients who undergo surgery for obstructive sleep apnea, failure of surgery to achieve success presents a number of challenges to otolaryngologists. First and foremost is the challenge of correctly assessing the outcome of surgery followed by the need to choose additional therapy tailored to the particular needs of each patient.
Nasal polyposis has been a source of suffering for patients and a vexing problem for doctors. Polyps are associated with so many different conditions-from aspirin intolerance to infections-so figuring out the body’s processes that bring polyposis about has been a tall order.
Are there racial and ethnic disparities in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis presenting for sinus surgery? According to one recent study, the answer is yes. The nasal polyp population consists of a larger portion of nonwhite patients who tend to present with worse disease, and certain subgroups have worse quality-of-life scores.
Injection laryngoplasty (IL) performed in the office with the patient awake yields similar results as when it is performed with the patient asleep, researchers have found in a case-control study.
The otolaryngologists and pediatric surgeons who watched President Obama’s July 22 press conference must have been astonished to hear themselves vilified by the Health Care Reformer-in-Chief.
What needs to be in the follow-up of certain patients who have undergone treatment for thyroid cancer? Uncertainties still exist, but change is in the air. The 2009 American Thyroid Association (ATA) guidelines promise to clarify at least some issues that affect practice.
Part 2 of 2 articles
Cysts on vocal folds can be complicated lesions to manage: Postsurgical healing can be difficult to forecast, and the effects on the voice can also be difficult to determine until after surgery.
Approximately 28 million people living in the United States suffer from some degree of hearing loss. It is the most frequently occurring birth defect—about three of every 1,000 babies are born with hearing loss.