Guidelines are becoming an essential component of clinical care. A look at their development and intended use.

Guidelines are becoming an essential component of clinical care. A look at their development and intended use.
Routine ICU admission for all post-surgical OSA patients unnecessary; parent education for adenotonsillectomy risks; resident Facebook postings impact professionalism; no difference in life expectancy with HNSCC imaging modality; nasal steroids effective in chronic rhinosinusitis with polyposis; costs of laryngeal diseases.
Key documentation you should have in place for each of your employees.
With more and more patients doing their own searching for the “right” doctors, those otolaryngologists who stand out the most—a goal usually accomplished with help from a reputable public relations firm—are more likely to get the lion’s share of business.
Carefully weigh costs when deciding on a cloud technology.
A a medical profession, we should consider striking a middle ground between those calling for a complete ban on the sport and those advocating freedom of choice.
AAO-HNS to release list of 5 tests it considers unnecessary or overused
Plans to focus on expanding educational resources for members
A woman presented with a chief complaint of throat pain of four weeks duration and hoarseness of several years duration. She eventually presented to the otolaryngology clinic complaining of a four-week history of odynophagia associated with a frequent urge to clear her throat.