A 57-year-old woman presents with a five-year history of persistent, nonproductive cough

A 57-year-old woman presents with a five-year history of persistent, nonproductive cough
Flexible transnasal endoscopy-assisted placement, as well as 35 mm radiography, and electromagnetic and capnometry assistive devices can reduce complications and lower misplacement rates associated with NGTs
Patients with orbital SPA who have advanced ophthalmologic findings such as impaired visual acuity, or large abscesses, should be treated surgically, while less serious cases can be treated conservatively with IV antibiotics, nasal saline lavage, and topical decongestants
Is it safe to use commercially available polymyxin B, neomycin, and hydrocortisone suspension in routine tympanoplasty?
Device delivers steroids locally to ethmoid sinus cavity, reducing the need for systemic anti-inflammation medicine, and potentially, the need for post-operative intervention, such as surgical adhesion lysis, as well
Unrecognized partial hearing loss in children can negatively affect their classwork and quality of life, but early intervention may mitigate psychosocial effects of hearing impairment in pediatric patients
The committee is one of eight American Board of Otolaryngology committees
How to develop, write, and submit a clinical vignette for presentation at a scientific meeting
A panel of experts at the Triological Society’s 2014 Combined Sections Meeting discuss their worst cases, and how they managed them.
Panelists at the Triological Society’s 2014 Combined Sections Meeting discuss new treatments for eustachian tube disorders.