Evidence suggests admitting most patients to otolaryngology ward with continuous pulse oximetry

Evidence suggests admitting most patients to otolaryngology ward with continuous pulse oximetry
Diagnostic sialendoscopy highly effective at identifying sialolithiasis in obstructive salivary gland disease, offers therapeutic benefits
Legislation would ease pathway to out-of-state, online treatment
Predicting the aggressiveness of oral cancers in humans could help tailor appropriate treatment and optimize outcomes, similar to the current approach to other cancer types such as breast cancer. However, […]
Otolaryngologists gain better understanding of causes, therapeutic options behind progressive hearing loss in children
Relative value unit payment system could replace complex, variable physician compensation model that exists today
Landing financial help isn’t only factor otolaryngologists should consider before making a move
Physicians differ on how to characterize this state of reduced physiological capacity
Otolaryngologists are increasingly using frailty index to assess whether patients can withstand surgery for obstructive sleep apnea, head-and-neck procedures