Three fictional cases depicting a potential scenario physician’s may encounter

Legal steps that need to be taken before you can leave your medical practice
Novel non-antibiotic treatment approach for chronic and nosocomial infections caused by Staphylococcus aureus shows promise in offering a way to combat these infections
A new computer program may be able to predict which children with hearing loss treated with cochlear implants will develop effective language skills after implantation.
Mucosal grafting of arachnoid defects—commonly used for endoscopic skull base reconstruction—may represent a novel method to permanently bypass the blood-brain barrier for drug delivery
Optical tools, imaging, fully implantable cochlear implants among latest advances in push for better diagnostic, treatment approaches for inner ear disorders
Reader responds to ENTtoday article about stress on private practice physicians caused by financial pressure, changes in healthcare industry
Reader responds to ENTtoday article about signs of aging in physicians, patient safety concerns
Patient satisfaction accounts for 30% of CMS value-based purchasing model for hospital reimbursement
Study shows ultrasonography useful for diagnosis and determining patients who do not need surgery