In the past, referrals to otolaryngologists from primary care physicians were made on a person-to-person basis

In the past, referrals to otolaryngologists from primary care physicians were made on a person-to-person basis
Current evidence supports that propranolol is safe to use for otherwise healthy infants with IH
Extracapsular dissection can be an effective and low-risk method for removing benign, supercial parotid tumors that are less than 4 cm
Residents in their first postgraduate year will now spend six months in otolaryngology specific rotations
Patients who undergo limited ELS resections can be assured of having a similar to improved voice after healing
Drug-induced sleep endoscopy and cine MRI are the most commonly reported tools to identify obstruction sites for children with persistent OSA
MADs reduce AHI, increase oxygen saturation, and improve the main symptoms of mild to moderate OSAHS
The Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015 signals the end of the incentive for hospitals to acquire physician practices
There are several options married couples can use when deciding which names to use after the wedding