While guidelines help to determine when to order a sleep study, clinical judgment is vital

While guidelines help to determine when to order a sleep study, clinical judgment is vital
Preoperative steroid injections may occasionally obviate the need for surgery, and they are helpful in a patient management perspective
Adenoidectomy is a reasonable first-line surgical option for pediatric patients with CRS that is refractory to medical therapy
The use of systemic corticosteroids in PTA can reduce pain and trismus, resulting in an earlier return to normal diet and activities
What are the associations among paranasal imaging results, symptoms, bony anatomic variations, and culture-proven bacterial acute rhinosinusitis (ARS)?
Only approximately two-thirds of patients with non-invasive lesions are correctly identified as not having cancer by VS
Tonsillectomy can be considered for patients with mild OSA who have severe obstructing anatomy that is surgically correctible
New-onset BPPV occurs commonly after SCD repair, but the exact etiology remains unknown