The panel at the AAO-NHS Annual Meeting offered advice on glossectomy, tonsillectomy and neck dissection, and parotidectomy

The panel at the AAO-NHS Annual Meeting offered advice on glossectomy, tonsillectomy and neck dissection, and parotidectomy
Tympanomastoid surgery can be safely performed as an outpatient procedure in the pediatric population.
There is a growing body of evidence supporting the equivalence of endoscopic and open surgical approaches in terms of tumor recurrence
There is little evidence to support that UTE always requires tonsillectomy to rule out lymphoma
An adjustable ossicular replacement prostheses (ORP) allows for in situ length adjustment and easier alignment and tension optimization in ossiculoplasty
In the of critical care setting, tracheostomy can be performed either via an open or percutaneous technique
Is high-surgeon volume in thyroid surgery associated with improved surgical efficiency and 30-day outcomes, and lower hospital utilization? BOTTOM LINE High-volume thyroid surgeons are associated with improved patient safety and […]
What is the prevalence of residual obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) in children undergoing adenotonsillectomy (AT), and what are the risk factors for the condition? BOTTOM LINE The majority of children […]
A panel covered the need for better ways to identify airway obstruction sites from radiofrequency to skeletal surgery
Experts discuss surgical timing and technique