New, persistent opioid use after surgery is common and is not significantly different between minor and major surgical procedures

New, persistent opioid use after surgery is common and is not significantly different between minor and major surgical procedures
Legitimate open access journals can speed up research dissemination, benefit innovation
Computational modeling could have large impact on otolaryngology surgery at all stages
A new study shows a strong correlation between OSA and complications with previously implanted oral prosthetics
Oversights can lead to harm, but some measures are overkill
De-intensifying both surgical and radiation treatment can be effective in some patients
In some cases, avoiding a rush to open surgery can lead to the best results
A growing body of literature suggests that hearing loss and dementia are interrelated
Vocal fold hemorrhage appears to have no significant longterm impact on vocational stability, subjective voice quality, or vocal function perceptions
Head and neck cancer patients experiencing care fragmentation are at increased risk of in-hospital mortality within 30 days of readmission