One use is real-time telemedicine, which is live, interactive, and can mimic a real-life encounter between a physician and a patient

One use is real-time telemedicine, which is live, interactive, and can mimic a real-life encounter between a physician and a patient
The decision is one of the greatest debates within maxillofacial trauma
The benefits of cocaine are unique in terms of its singular ability to both vasoconstrict and anesthetize the nasal mucosa
A gradual approach to the management of OME postradiotherapy is recommended
At-home genetic testing doesn’t offer a fully informed consent process, and individuals may not understand the serious implications of the information
Essential guidelines to ensure you are complying with law and avoiding exposure to medical malpractice or abandonment claims
Sleep-related health issues manifest in and affect the lives of males and females differently
Targeted therapy shows promise in clinical trials for both pediatric and adult patients
A new study found that physicians prescribed fewer promoted drugs and more non-promoted drugs following policy changes to restrict marketing activities at their institutions
Words of wisdom and cautionary tales about treating the aging face from the 2017 Annual Meeting of the Triological Society