New standardized otolaryngology curriculum’s goal is to deliver a comprehensive and appropriately detailed curriculum that will help direct self-learning and serve as a jumping-off point for residency programs’ didactic learning.

New standardized otolaryngology curriculum’s goal is to deliver a comprehensive and appropriately detailed curriculum that will help direct self-learning and serve as a jumping-off point for residency programs’ didactic learning.
The Federal Trade Commission has determined that noncompetes are an unfair method of competition, violating section 5 of the FTC act.
Using a video laryngoscope, versus direct laryngoscopy, when intubating infants can increase the odds of a successful intubation on the first attempt
A recent meta-analysis of six pediatric sinusitis studies demonstrated that antibiotics are effective in treating sinusitis in children
The American Academy of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery Foundation has published a new guideline for age-related hearing loss
Objective testing for patients with suspected LPR is indicated if the patient presents with typical alarm symptoms, after empiric treatment fails to improve symptoms, or to ensure the need for long-term therapy or surgical interventions.
Cochlear implant (CI) surgeons are faced with the increasingly difficult task of choosing the “right” device despite a growing number of choices and conflicting evidence regarding the relative importance of various anatomic, surgical, and device-specific factors.
The osseointegrated steady state implant 2 (OSIA2) system was developed to provide hearing through bone conduction while avoiding complications previously reported in children using percutaneous devices.
This study presents one quantitative framework fabrication technique that saves the use of cartilage and obtains sufficient concha space for canalplasty, achieving satisfactory aesthetic results with few complications.
Subjective symptom scores related to rhinitis, particularly for rhinorrhea and congestion, decrease after cryoablation of the posterior nasal nerve, with better long-term efficacy in NAR than in AR.