Multidisciplinary teams can dramatically improve time to diagnosis, cost reduction, and clinical outcomes.

Multidisciplinary teams can dramatically improve time to diagnosis, cost reduction, and clinical outcomes.
Findings from a recently published study of patients with larynx cancer show reduced odds of postoperative complications in patients who underwent laryngectomies in hospitals that performed more than six laryngectomies per year.
Are you interested in becoming a reviewer or wondering how to be a better peer reviewer?
Otolaryngologists may be doing considerably better than their peers in other specialties when it comes to physician burnout.
What a rare amoeba infection means for rhinology patient.
While use of artificial intelligence in otolaryngology is in its infancy, the benefits of employing these technologies show great promise.
In this era of accused #FakeNews and political bullying of the media, many people have become cynical to what is reported in mainstream news.
Topical epinephrine is generally safe for use in endoscopic sinus surgery, with caution in adult patients with cardiovascular comorbidities.
Patients in both the general (noncancer) and HPV-OPC populations may enquire whether they should avoid open-mouth kissing to prevent either acquiring or transmitting oral HPV infection.
Patients with long-term symptom duration reported the greatest mean postoperative quality of life improvement.