Reducing opioid prescribing to children after tonsillectomy may be possible without increasing risk of complications, according to a new study.

Reducing opioid prescribing to children after tonsillectomy may be possible without increasing risk of complications, according to a new study.
Otolaryngologists are now considered the go-to specialty for performing complex surgeries for skin cancer of the head and neck.
Otolaryngologists say preauthorization is becoming more complex and frustrating.
The ENTtoday editorial board shares some must-read authors for every subspecialty.
Are altruism, empathy, and compassionnstill valued virtues in “modern” medicine, or have patients come to expect something else in the provision of their healthcare by physicians.
Septoplasty should be performed in patients with functional problems related to congenital anomalies or trauma.
The hospital at which the cancer surgery is performed does seem to matter when it comes to the likelihood of survival.
Regular nonsteroidal anti- inflammatory drugs use likely confers a statistically and clinically significant advantage disease-specific survival overall survival in patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.
Magnitude of amplitude tremor (MATR) and magnitude of frequency tremor (MFTR) were significantly lower after three weeks of octanoic acid dosing compared to placebo.
The advantages of TORS for early stage OPSCC may be a lower likelihood of postsurgical positive margins and subsequent need for adjuvant chemoradiotherapy.