There is no uniformity or consensus on the effective management of the N zero nodal basin in cSCC.

There is no uniformity or consensus on the effective management of the N zero nodal basin in cSCC.
Defining significant asymmetric sensorineural hearing loss (ASNHL) is important to determine if a patient requires further evaluation for retrocochlear pathology.
In-flight medical emergencies most commonly involve near-syncope and gastrointestinal, respiratory, and cardiovascular symptoms.
Current or past intimate partner violence may be included in the differential diagnosis of many medical and behavioral health conditions, particularly in women.
the findings are consistent with lower hearing loss prevalence in African-Americans compared to the non-African-American populations
The mortality rate for Ludwig’s angina appears to be decreased from previous historical accounts, with airway intervention remaining a significant part of management.
Safety-net hospital treatment, socioeconomic status, Hispanic ethnicity, and non-Hispanic black race were associated with decreased
follow-up service utilization for cancer patients.
Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) play an important role in clinical decision making and should portray study findings as accurately and succinctly as possible.
Lingual frenuloplasty with myofunctional therapy is safe and potentially effective for the treatment of mouth breathing, snoring, clenching, and myofascial tension.
Jeffrey Feldman, MD splits his time between his practice and his band, a nationally touring acoustic act.