A digital signal can be generated using chemical macromolecular cooperativity at the nanoscale to build a transistor-like probe.

A digital signal can be generated using chemical macromolecular cooperativity at the nanoscale to build a transistor-like probe.
Dr. Meanna encouraged surgical oncologists not to change their management without level-1 evidence from clinical trials.
In his talk at the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Annual Meeting, Dr. Shah addressed how physicians need to rely on systems to mitigate risk.
Samuel H. Selesnick, MD, newly appointed Editor-in-Chief of The Laryngoscope, highlights the importance of the journal to readers and authors alike.
A new study has linked chronic conductive hearing loss with speech recognition deficits.
Performing artists, with singers as a subset, can present specific challenges as patients.
There is insufficient evidence to support the use of acupuncture in CRS.
Citing recent news headlines, like vaping-related deaths, can be one way to introduce a topic or help it sink in with teenagers.
Population health research and initiatives are relatively rare in otolaryngology.
Rural health in otolaryngology will improve if we address physician workforce issues.