The three pillars of emotional intelligence are communication, appreciation, and empathy. High emotional intelligence can play a part in building or undermining relationships with colleagues and patients.

The three pillars of emotional intelligence are communication, appreciation, and empathy. High emotional intelligence can play a part in building or undermining relationships with colleagues and patients.
Over the next year, ENTtoday will continue to focus on stories about the wonderful things we do in otolaryngology, the ones that give our lives purpose.
Screening for depression in patients with OSA would be worthwhile because there is a high rate of comorbidity.
There is a critical need for high-quality randomized control trials to determine if diuretics are effective for treating Meniére’s disease.
Life purpose was significantly associated with all-cause mortality in The Health and Retirement Study.
A look at the clinical viability of using speech neuroprosthetic technology to restore spoken communication.
The interaction between tobacco exposure and HPV infection in the context of OPSCC has significant implications for standard of care treatment regimens.
Sinonasal cancer shows an 11.7% recurrence rate after a five-year disease- free period, but varies by tumor pathology.
What is the extent of airway improvement and voice quality in patients with bilateral vocal fold paralysis (BVFP) who underwent selective laryngeal reinnervation surgery?