There was no difference in midfacial growth measurements between expanded endonasal approaches and open-route patients after three years of imaging follow-up.

There was no difference in midfacial growth measurements between expanded endonasal approaches and open-route patients after three years of imaging follow-up.
What are the predictors of airway collapse and the need for airway intervention in adult epiglottitis?
Optimal outcomes for a laryngeal cancer patient can be achieved when taking into account tumor, host, and treatment factors.
There are pros and cons to at-home and in-home calls, but the biggest concern is educating the resident and caring for patients.
Proposed changes to the the U.S. healthcare system’s primary fraud and abuse laws were finally unveiled in October 2019. Here’s what the reforms mean for physicians.
It’s good to take a trip outside the otolaryngology world once in a while to experience something novel and innovative.
Many adult patients who are good candidates for cochlear implants are missed because of significant variation among audiologists in how patients are preoperatively assessed and unfamiliarity with the most current […]
The number of head and neck cancer patients covered by insurance grew significantly following implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), according to a new study. “Overall, this study demonstrates […]
General surgery residents encounter frequent mistreatment by patients as well as attending physicians that leads to burnout and suicidal thoughts. This is the finding of a cross-sectional national survey of […]