The third conclusion is, perhaps, the most important. It is not too late. We are poised to have an impact. It is true that the ship of status quo turns slowly toward inclusion, but the first step is being purposeful about navigating in a new direction. We can follow the leads taken in general surgery, vascular surgery, geriatric medicine and a host of other medical disciplines. Specifically, neurosurgery and orthopedic surgery have embraced diversity, and census data prove that these two fields are trending toward increased cultural diversity in their respective workforces.8 We can also learn from business models that have repeatedly shown that a diverse team handles situations more effectively and that diversity in the workforce is a benefit rather than an imposition.9 Hopefully, the AAO-HNS, along with other societies and otolaryngology educator organizations, can take the steps and expend the energy necessary to create meaningful change.
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September 2010References:
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