The Future of the Technology
According to Dr. Lunn, manufacturers plan to combine cautery with the debrider. Suppliers are working on developing debrider blades with cautery function, and at least one is already in production. He stated that the development of such a combination tool would be even more time-efficient, eliminating the need to switch tools when cauterization is required. He speculated, That would be really neat for the debriders. The device would have three functions: cut, suction, and cauterize.
Dr. Lunn also reported that at least one company has recently started marketing longer blades, which make it possible to reach deeper lesions. He said that with these longer blades it is now possible to go all the way down the length of the mainstem bronchus into the segmental bronchi.
Studies have shown the microdebrider to be an effective surgical tool for many widely diverse types of procedures. Researchers have deemed it a convenient and efficient tool, with many advantages and only one identified risk, albeit a potentially significant risk.
Dr. Pletcher summed up his opinion based on his experience: I think the most important point with the microdebrider in terms of sinus surgery is that it’s one of the most effective tools, but potentially one of the most dangerous tools. The debrider needs to be used with the appropriate respect for complications that can result from its use.
- Lunn W, Ernst A. The microdebrider allows for rapid removal of obstructing airway lesions. CTSNet. Available at . Accessed 12/5/06.
- Lunn W, Garland R, Ashiku S, et al. Microdebrider bronchoscopy: a new tool for the interventional bronchoscopist. Ann Thorac Surg 2005;80:1485-88.
- Simoni P, Peters GE, Magnuson JS. Use of the endoscopic midrodebrider in the management of airway obstruction from laryngotracheal carcinoma. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 2003 Jan;112(1):11-13.
- Medtronic news release 2/5/05. Available at〈=en_US . Accessed 12/5/06.
- Saltus R. Breathing easier breakthrough surgery takes the agony out of repairing blocked sinuses. The Boston Globe. 12/5/2000. Available at . Accessed 1/1/07.
©2007 The Triological Society
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