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A patient who is informed and knowledgeable about his medical condition is more likely to comply with a physician’s recommendations and end up with a favorable outcome once treated. Would you agree?
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May 2019Perhaps, at one time, this statement could be very acceptable on the surface, but one has to consider the patient’s primary source of medical information. Prior to the information age and the launch of the World Wide Web 30 years ago, the availability of medical and health information to the lay public was limited, and it was not so easily obtained. At one time only home remedies, anecdotes from family and friends, cultural traditions, or the occasional article or TV story in the lay media required us to give a little extra time to patients to clarify information or misinformation. Now, technology has enabled patients to access huge amounts of information in a short period of time, but without the tools or knowledge to sift out the good from the bad.
Fast forward to now, an age where medical information and its availability has exploded exponentially for our patients. Consider the scenario as our patient sits quietly while we complete entries and orders in our electronic medical records and his smart phone discreetely emerges from a pocket or backpack. Our patient might be searching for keywords that were part of the preceding conversation or perusing a blog on his medical condition. In this day and age, physicians who try to provide accurate information to patients are competing not only with the internet but with health-related telvision shows, blogs, chat rooms, the 24-hour news cycle, and a host of social media platforms where patients get medical information beyond what they learn from their healthcare providers.
Seniors are currently a growing segment of internet and technology users. Approximately 22% of Americans aged 65 and older use the internet and, of those individuals, 66% use the internet to find health information. Most of these individuals are Caucasian females who are highly educated and fit into the higher economic tax bracket. Another demographic, the millennials (individuals aged 18 to 34, who exhibit great cultural, racial, and ethnic diversity), are focused on healthy living but are more inclined to seek medical advice and information online (including from health blogs). Millennials are also more likely visit an urgent care physician rather than their assigned primary care physician and have been referred to as the “C” generation, since they are so connected to their devices and phones for information. Armed with their favorite device they also love to research health content from the web to guide their decisions. Data also show that millennials were more inclined to use telemedicine for visits when possible and are more inclined to pursue holistic and alternative treatments.
So, what do we do? First, we can be assured that a well-informed patient is definitely a plus whether or not we physicians are the sole source of that information.