APRIL 2010: States can expand Medicaid to childless adults up to 133 percent of the federal poverty level (FPL).
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May 2010JUNE 2010: Temporary state high-risk pools for uninsured people with preexisting conditions are to begin.
- Temporary reinsurance program for early retirees is to begin.
SEPTEMBER 2010: Health plans can’t impose lifetime limits or unreasonable annual limits on dollar value of coverage.
- Insurers can’t rescind coverage, except for enrollee fraud.
- Insurers must cover dependents up to age 26.
2013: The federal government creates Consumer Operated and Oriented Plan program to foster creation of non-profit, member-run health insurers.
- States must expand Medicaid to all non-Medicare eligible individuals with incomes up to 133 percent of the FPL.
- Insurers can’t impose preexisting condition exclusions.
- Premium rates can only vary depending on family size, rating area, age and tobacco use.
- Guaranteed availability and renewability of individual and group coverage begins.
- Individual health insurance mandate begins.
- Sliding-scale subsidies that cap health insurance premiums and cost-sharing at a percentage of household income become available for individuals below 400 percent of the FPL.
- •Guaranteed availability and renewability of individual and group coverage begins.
- Sliding-scale subsidies that cap health insurance premiums and cost-sharing at a percentage of household income become available for individuals below 400 percent of the FPL.
2015: State-based insurance exchanges must be self-sustaining.
2017: States must pay a share of the new mandatory Medicaid expansion.
2018: Excise tax on employer-sponsored “Cadillac” health plans kicks in.
Sources: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Kaiser Family Foundation, National Governors Association
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