As important as it is to have as complete a staff as possible, it’s also important to ensure that they’re able to maintain a reasonable work-life balance, which includes taking vacations. After all, added Dudley, “Employees need to rejuvenate.” To discourage staff from accumulating excessive amounts of vacation time, consider capping employees’ cumulative accrual. For example, if you allot three weeks of vacation time per year, an employee could accumulate six weeks of vacation time, and after that his or her accrual would cease until time is taken. Be sure to check with state and local legislation to ensure the legality of this practice in your area.
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September 2012Ultimately, when it comes to sick and vacation time, it is crucial to remember that people are not machines and shouldn’t be treated as such. “Accommodate requests as much as possible,” said Dudley. “Employees who are not allowed time off will become former employees.”
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