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April 2013Dr. Medina stressed that what is working today for the society will not necessarily continue to work in the future, and he urged members to be attuned to changes in the environment, evaluate how to adapt and, importantly, attempt innovative approaches in response.
He identified a few basic tenets to use as guides as the society strives for innovation.
First, he said, members must assume the responsibility to envision and shape the future of the organization, and to not rely on outside consultants to plan its course.
Second, the organization must strive to seek diversity. “In order to better understand and be responsive to the needs of the constituencies we want to attract and retain, I believe that the committee structure and the council of the society should include diversity, not only of race and gender, but … of generation and ideas and skills,” he said. “I believe the committee structure and council of the future should have real representation of residents, fellows and young, new members.” Dr. Medina noted that the TRIO has just approved formation of a social media committee that will help breech this gap. He also urged a stronger alliance with the sub-specialty organizations within otolaryngology, and identified an upcoming partnership with the Society of University Otolaryngologists to sponsor a workshop on training educators as a step in this process.
Third, he stressed the importance of gathering quality information on current trends and implications, noting that “quality information helps to make quality decisions.”
Finally, Dr. Medina said it is important for the TRIO to remain financially strong so that it can continue to support research from new otolaryngologists. He suggested looking at ways small nonprofit organizations are meeting this challenge, and urged members to be open minded about innovative financial models.
“Remaining relevant in the future will undoubtedly be a significant challenge for the Triological Society,” said Dr. Medina. “However, because of my firsthand knowledge of the visionary leadership and the extraordinary commitment of our future leaders … how can we not feel confident that we will meet these challenges head on, and that the Triological Society will not only remain relevant, but will thrive for many years to come.”
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