- Perform physical examinations
- Elicit medical histories
- Diagnose and treat illnesses and injuries
- Order and interpret laboratory and radiographic studies
- Educate and counsel patients
- Perform minor surgical procedures
- First-assist in surgery
- Assist with call
- Render emergency care
- Facilitate patient referral to the appropriate physician or agency
- Conduct research and drug studies
- Prescribe medication (in most states)
Source: The Society of Physician Assistants in Otorhinolaryngology–Head—Neck Surgery: www.entpa.org/FAQ.html
Explore This Issue
March 2007The Survey Says’
The Society of Physician Assistants in Otorhinolaryngology/Head—Neck Surgery surveyed their membership in 2003 about the specifics of their productivity. The following represents the proportion of PAs who perform these tasks in their ENT practices.
- 93% Removal of ear foreign bodies
- 89% Nasal cautery (32% electrical, 86% chemical)
- 89% Fiberoptic laryngoscopy
- 89% Removal of nasal foreign body
- 86% Packs / splints removal
- 82% Mastoid cavity cleansing
- 82% Pre / post-op H&P
- 75% Rigid nasal endoscopy
- 75% Post-op FESS cleansing
- 68% Anterior nasal packs
- 64% Epley’s or Semont’s maneuver
- 64% Excision/biopsy skin lesion
- 64% Tracheostomy tube change
- 61% I&D of peritonsillar abscess
- 57% Oral biopsy
- 50% Fine needle aspiration
- 50% Hospital consults
- 43% Removal of tubes
- 32% I&D of helical hematoma
- 29% Posterior nasal packs
- 25% Submandibular sialolithotomy
- 25% Stroboscopy
- 21% Myringotomy and tube insertion
- 21% Allergy testing
- 21% Turbinate steroid injection
- 18% Tympanostomy
- 14% Closed reduction nasal fracture
- 14% Transnasal esophagoscopy
- 11% Nasal polypectomy
- 11% Frenulotomy
- 7% Audiometry
- 7% TM patch
- 7% Antral or Proetz irrigation
- 4% Middle ear gentamicin infusion
- 4% Hearing aids
- 4% Placement of sialogram tubing
- 4% Esophageal dilation
- 4% pH probe testing
Source: Adapted from www.entpa.org /scope_of_practice.html
- Society of Physician Assistants in Otorhinolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery (SPAO–HNS) www.entpa.org
- American Academy of Physician Assistants (AAPA) www.aapa.org
- Society of Otorhinolaryngology Head-Neck Nurses (SOHN) www.sohnnurse.com
- American Academy of Nurse Practitioners (AANP) www.aanp.org
©2007 The Triological Society
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